Faith Presbyterian
Faith Presbyterian Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA), part of Foothills Presbytery, and a member of the Fellowship of Presbyterians. Our mission is to be a community of faith called by Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel and serve all people.
Williamston Presbyterian
Williamston Presbyterian Church is a community of faith committed to Jesus Christ and deeply committed to outreach, and mission to the world. Its members are glad to welcome anyone who comes to visit. The simple sanctuary has a reformed beauty that will inspire the worship of God. The white walls and clear windows were built so that worshipers would not be distracted from their focus on God.
Pelzer Presbyterian
Pelzer Presbyterian Church is a community of faith called by Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel. The Sanctuary’s beautiful dark wood and stained glass windows helps worshipers remember the grandeur of God, and the Jardine pipe organ helps to lead them in worship. Pelzer is a warm community and welcomes all to join us in worship.
Stewardship Teams
- Christian Education- Oversight of Sunday school, activities, youth program, Wednesday night program, VBS, nursery, etc.
- Worship- Oversight of music program, lay worship leadership, ushers, special services, etc.
- Food Bank- Oversight of Food Bank program
- Finance- Oversight of the budget, tithes and offerings, yearly financial review, pledge and stewardship campaigns, etc.
- Buildings and Grounds- Oversight of the maintenance of all three buildings, manual labor, anticipated needs, etc.
- Communications- Oversight of prayer list, website, newsletter, banners, phone program, church directory, marketing, etc.
- Prayer- provide prayer for the church, its members, programs, and the world.
Goals for 2021
- More participation in Food Bank Ministry
- More participation in Stewardship Teams
- More joyful services with active praise.